Monday, July 20, 2009

Funny Jokes

mode : (-__-) Jobless!!!
emotion : mental
song : lenka - trouble is a friend

Jelingan Ayah
Kisah ini benar-benar terjadi padaku sewaktu aku kanak-kanak dahulu.Ayah aku suka memberi amaran padaku dengan menjeling garang jika aku membuat sesuatu yang tidak disukainya. Contohnya, jika ke kedai,kalau aku mengambil gula-gula, dia akan menjeling padaku bermakna aku disuruh letakkan semula gula-gula itu ke tempatnya semula.

Suatu hari,aku mengikut ayah ke surau untuk solat maghrib.Ketika sedang rukuk, aku melihat kain pelikat tok imam tersepit di celah punggungnya. Aku yang ‘konon’nya ingin membantu,terus menarik kain yang tersepit itu. Ayahku yang sedang solat terus memberi jelingannya padaku. Aku pun faham maksudnya itu,lalu terus memasukkan semula kain pelikat tok imam itu semula ke celah punggung tok imam tadi. Apalagi,melatah lah tok imam tadi. Habis satu jemaah batal solat mereka kerana turut terkejut dengan latahan tok imam tadi. Ayahku yang bermuka merah padam menahan malu dan marah mengheret aku balik ke rumah. Malam tu, berbirat punggung aku dirotannya.

Moral : Jangan memandai nak masukkan kain ke celah punggung tok imam. HAHAHA

credict toFCUBOOK

Electric Train

A few days after Christmas, a mother was working in the kitchen listening to her young son playing with his new electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop and her son said, "All of you sons of bitches who want off, get the hell off now, cause this is the last stop! And all of you sons of bitches who are getting on, get your asses in the train, cause we're going down the tracks."

The mother went nuts and told her son, "We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and you are to stay there for TWO HOURS. When you come out, you may play with your train, but I want you to use nice language."

Two hours later, the son comes out of the bedroom and resumes playing with his train. Soon the train stopped and the mother heard her son say, "All passengers who are disembarking from the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for riding with us today and hope your trip was a pleasant one. We hope you will ride with us again soon." She hears the little boy continue, "For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today."

As the mother began to smile, the child added, "For those of you who are pissed off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the bitch in the kitchen." ....dun do diz at home okey!!huahuahua

What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?

"what Mohd Hisham means"

You Are Powerful and Determined

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.

You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.

You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.

You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.

At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.

Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.

You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.

People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.

You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

silly lily